Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tweets and Twitters

You may have noticed, sneaking up in the right hand column, that I am now a twitterer - I think that is what you call it. It is an interesting cute name but actually an awesome tool, in the right hands and used the right way.

Its been gaining steady interest in the US since early last year but, always on the 'bleeding edge' of technology, as Jo Savage at Barnsley BDA calls it, and being on the ball as the UK IC industry generally is ( I am joking of course) its now starting to find its way over here.

Of course you don’t just use technology for its own sake sake but now that it has been field tested I am always one for jumping on a band wagon. Providing it still has wheel, so here goes.

Essentially twitter is like a text message crossed with a blog You can post up to 140 characters and receive updates as text messages on your phone or RSS reader. Lets say you post a rather incredible blog and it then goes off into the ether. Twitter automatically sends a little message to your mates, colleagues - the ones you really want to read it anyway.

I’ve got mine hooked up on to my IPhone, using a web app called Hahlo 2.1 ( which fits perfectly with the Iphone design and function vibe ) although you can get other great looking apps and apps for Messenger too - and it works a treat and looks just right. It allows me to use my blog site to post mini blogs on the fly.-' Tweets', how cute is that.

A longer article is on its way but I can see dozens of uses for the technology in corporate environments, the largest of which could be to try to curtail the avalanche of e-mails and using it prioritise messages.

Watch this space or follow my Tweets on social media applications for IC and KM
Some links you may find interesting that helped me

Twitter on the Web
Twhirl, a desktop client built with Adobe AIR - very sexy
Twitterberry (Twitter for BlackBerries)
Twitter Display for your Blog
Twitterfeed (posts your latest blog on Twitter)

Play Nice!

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