Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sheffield Buzzes

My thanks to all the attendees at the Big Start-up workshop in Sheffield yesterday. Just a joy to see and share the enthusiasms and passions. 

Alex, great to see you back on fire  and Tim, just one authentic and inspiring bloke.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Is this the smartest guy you have ever heard?

The future is here and it is now!

'Nothing really good has been invented yet'.

Isn't that the most exciting phrase you ever ever have heard?

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Reading Daniel Gilbert's book  came  across an attributed brilliant quote from Frank Zappa

'Writing about music is like dancing about architecture'

to which I would add

'writing about creativity is like juggling about sculpture'

add you own...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Innovation handbook for CFO's

With over 25 years experience of throwing myself at brick walls of various heights and thickness, trying to develop a culture of innovation and creativity in a wide range or organisations I can say, without any shred of doubt, that the biggest barrier to establishing an innovation culture is convincing senior management of its value, and exactly how to measure its impact to justify investment.

Less than 1% of companies have any innovation performance metrics and reporting systems in place but that 1% are the top performers in their sectors A coincidence maybe. Are you mad?

The word cloud below illustrates some of the key  considerations and serves as a memory jogger for senior management. Or, you can simply carry on as you are, and watch as your competitors harness their innovation and creative talent and burst out of the recession first, leaving you trailing in their wake.  

I know what I'm doing today.

Innovation word cloud

In a recent presentation to a group of CEO's in Yorkshire ' Innovation, the key to recession survival'  I was trying to sum up what should or could be management's approach to innovation and adjusting their organisation's mindset. 

Hope this helps