Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How to find your company stories Part 2

Sometime the best stories are hidden away, but not very well... You just need different eyes to see them or to ask even more beautiful questions. 

Here are an additional fifty(ish) questions to ask in your company story harvesting following on from part 1 is previous post below…

50. What are your people NOT doing that you want them to be doing? Why not?
51. What beliefs are not serving your goals?
52. What brings you to life?
53. What companies make you starry-eyed? 
54. What could you talk forever about?
55. What did you explore today?
56. What do you know that other people find valuable? 
57. What do you know that people would pay money to learn? 
58. What do you measure?
59. What do you think makes the difference between success and failure?
60. What do you try without being forced?
61. What have you recently UN-learned? 
62. What ideas are you in love with that might prevent you from seeing clearly? 
63. What is causing the gap between what you’ve done and your goals?
64. What is one thing you’d like to do less of in your work situation?
65. What is the part of your job you wish you didn’t have to do?
66. What is your #1 income producing activity?
67. What kind of person do you definitely NOT want to become? 
68. What no longer worries you?
69. What old values do you need to throw out to make room?
70. What person, alive or dead, would you like to have as your work partner?
71. What pieces of conventional wisdom do you think are wrong?
72. What possibilities do you see now that weren’t obvious before?
73. What precedent will you be setting?
74. What problem do you solve for your customer?
75. What problem is this solving?
76. What questions do you ask yourself every day?
77. What questions do you look forward to?
78. What symbol do you need to create now to remind yourself of the new image, values and style you are going to operate out of?
79. What takes too long?
80. What three things are your customers most defensive about? 
81. What three things should you be delegating, but aren’t?
82. What three things would make it worse?
83. What undertows do the people in your industry often get caught in? 
84. What was your first positive experience earning money? 
85. What would you protest publicly?
86. What’s your biggest distraction?
87. When someone comes to your website, how do you want them to feel?
88. When someone comes to your website, what’s the ONE THING you want them to do?
89. When was the last time you brought new skills to your clients and prospects? 
90. When was the last time you created new value? 
91. When you walk into a room, how does it change?
92. Where is a breakthrough needed?
93. Which idea would my hero jump on?
94. Which people in your life don’t respect your time? 
95. Who actively hampers your ability to advance?
96. Who can hurt you the most?

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